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Applause-Worthy Theatre Etiquette

Whether one enjoys the romantic storyline of a Broadway production or the comedic action of a blockbuster film, theater-goers ─ both live performance and movie cinema ─ should obey courteous theatre etiquette. While there are, of course, differences in the social protocols between stage and picture auditoriums, each has a list of applause-worthy manners.

  • Curtain Call & Show Time: Arrive early to take advantage of concessions and restroom needs. The less you have to get out of your seat and climb over others, the more comfortable and enjoyable the experience will be for all. In the playhouse, allow the usher to lead you to your seat. Do not place your feet on the chair in front of you.
  • Dial Drama: Responding to phone calls, text messages, or emails in a darkened theater is extremely rude and selfish. If you must stay connected, it’s imperative that you do so only in the hallway or lobby area. But avoid the urge to hiss at or verbally jab another audience member who violates this basic rule of cellphone use, as doing so will only make a bad situation worse with prolonged distraction. Furthermore, traditional theatres do not allow photography, audio or video recording.
  • Germ Alert: Keep a handkerchief or tissue handy to cover your mouth in case you have to cough or sneeze. Nothing is more unnerving to those around you than to be exposed to a “yuck” attack! If you attend a show despite having a nagging cough or cold, bring along throat lozenges with the wrappers already removed to avoid creating a distracting crackling sound.
  • Oscar-Worthy Oral: Never bring any food, drink, candy, or gum into a performance theatre. Obviously, movie theatres allow (and encourage) snacking; but, again, limit package crackling and loud slurps! It’s OK to talk quietly in your seat prior to show time and during intermission, but only the actors should deliver lines after the lights dim.
  • Reaction Cut: If you feel disturbed or offended by any person causing a breach of theatre etiquette, you have options, ranging from personal diplomacy with the offender, to seeking aid with an usher, to requesting a partial refund from management.
  • Closing Act: At the end of the performance, thank the performers by applauding; in return, they will display their appreciation for your attendance with a bow. You are not obligated to yell out “Bravo” or other traditionally cues. When exiting the theatre, use the railing and allow prior rows to go ahead of you.