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Bird Watching – Connecting with Nature is a Hoot

Parents, take advantage of your toddler and tween chickadees’ natural curiosity. Turn your family on to the fascinating world of birds and watch them develop great observation skills.

Tufted-TitmouseCan you name a recreational activity that can be enjoyed whether standing in your backyard, riding in the car, or trekking through a rain forest on the other side of the planet? If you guessed bird watching, you’d be correct. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, there are over 51 million birders in the US. That’s a lot of people gazing out their windows or standing around peering at the sky and the treetops! Allan Jahner, co-owner of Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop in Winter Springs, believes that the increased interest he’s seen in birding may be related to the economy. “With the price of gas and airfares so high, more and more people are staying closer to home,” he says. “Birding gives them something inexpensive they can do as a family in their own backyard or in a nearby park.”

For the uninitiated, watching birds might seem like a snooze fest. But the reality is, avid birdwatchers tend to be excitable fanatics. I confess to pulling over to the side of the road on more than one occasion, getting out of my car, and spending 30 minutes staring up at the trees, convinced I’d seen a flock of cedar waxwings or a great horned owl swooping into the branches. It’s a real thrill for both adult and child to be able to focus on a bird, and identify the species based on field markings, such as size, color, beak shape, song, flight pattern, etc.

Getting kids interested in the joys of watching our feathered friends is easy because kids’ natural curiosity make them eager learners when it comes to looking Male-painted-buntingfor a cute burrowing owl, or hearing a tiny Carolina wren’s impressively loud “tea-kettle, tea-kettle” call.  So, gently pry them away from their electronic devices, get them out of the nest, and introduce them to the wonders of nature. Here are a few tips to get your family started:

  • ~Introduce little ones to birds by reading picture books together with stories about adventuresome birds.
  • ~Visit a pet store where caged birds can be observed up close. Point out color markings on the body, the color of the legs, or the shape of the beak. Listen to the different sounds they make.
  • ~Start birding in your own backyard. Hang a feeder where kids can watch birds come and go. Put out a bird bath and have the kids change the water daily. Birds need access to water, especially during the hot summer. Visit for some great backyard bird crafts and activities for families.
  • ~Pick the right time of day and the right season to watch for birds. The early morning hours are best for observing bird activity. During the Spring and Fall, you are likely to see many birds passing through your yard on their migration journey.
  • ~Invest in the best binoculars you can afford, ideally a pair for each member of the family.  Toddlers can use toy binoculars that look just like Mom and Dad’s real ones. For older kids, look for the right size binocs, preferably ones with a wide field of vision for easier bird spotting, and lower zoom capability to make them lighter to carry. Consult a good optics dealer such as Wild Bird Unlimited in Winter Springs.
  • ~Buy a birding field guide for the region where you will be birding. The library and local bookstore have many books for children, as well as adults.
  • ~Practice good birding etiquette. Be respectful of our birds’ dwindling habitats; speak in a low voice and stay a distance away from nesting sites. Never bird on private property without the permission of the owner.
  • ~The Internet is packed with websites, such as the Florida Audubon Society ( and The Great Florida Birding Trail (, that offer families good locations where to look for birds, what to look for, and when guided field trips for birders are planned. Pathways to Nature for Kids (, a national initiative whose goal is to “Leave No Child Inside”, also offers bird activities for the kids and tips to help families get the most out of their birding experience.
  • ~Encourage kids to journal their sightings. Many birders keep a journal to record their observations, along with a life list to track birds they’ve seen wherever they go in their lifetime.
  • ~ A camera is good to take along on a bird walk in case you see a bird you can’t identify. Take a photo and look it up on the Internet at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (the study of birds) at
  • ~Contact local birding groups, such as the Orange Audubon Society and the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey in Maitland, FL, to learn about upcoming education programs and  field trips.
  • ~Don’t forget a hat, sunscreen, water, and a few snacks when you venture out on your family field trips.

Through some type of avian osmosis, my children were drawn into my husband’s and my fascination with birds, and much to my surprise, developed an appreciation for all things with feathers which lasted into their adult lives. Best of all, we now have a whole flock of grandkids just waiting to be introduced to the thrill of bird watching!