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In response to the increased demand for alternative education options, local higher education institutions are providing new pathways with innovative technology to help make academic success accessible to all students.
As educational leaders continue to have vital conversations with local industry powerhouses, the curriculum and degree pathways subsequently adapt to best secure the next stage of each student’s journey, whether they are right out of high school, beginning school later in their adulthood or returning to higher education to pursue a graduate program.
“Students in general have become more nontraditional in that many students are not going to college directly from high school. They are entering the workforce, starting families, obtaining technical skills, joining the military, and moving in and out of higher education based on balancing all of their commitments. Additionally, finances play a major role in when and where a student takes classes and pursues higher education,” says Paul Dosal, senior vice president for student success at University of Central Florida. “Given all of these factors, a student’s educational pathway is not linear in nature, and they may attend several institutions over the course of their careers. Higher education must provide multiple pathways and on ramps for students to be successful, as many students transfer into our university with a variety of credits.”
Providing equal opportunities regardless of traditional or nontraditional pathways expands the possibility of finding talented students who are skilled in new and developing fields. The cognizance of giving students a chance to thrive regardless of background and equipping them with tools necessary for success requires a societal and emotional understanding in culmination with academics. It also takes outreach to prospective students who might not know these programs are available or affordable.
“Some of the most significant things impacting this trend include rapid technological advancements like AI, the need for flexible learning options—like being able to take classes online or at an accelerated pace—and cultural changes,” says Heather Dartez, DBA, director of graduate studies at Full Sail University. “These changes—[which] have more of an emphasis on lifelong learning and younger generations challenging the need for traditional pathways and exploring unconventional ones—are enlightening and shaping the future of education.”
Higher education institutions are implementing programs and resources to assist the growing demand for flexible education and timeframes. Full Sail University, for instance, has online and in-person courses that can be completed at an accelerated pace, a year-round enrollment schedule, and even online short-form courses in entertainment media and emerging technology for those who are not students in its Full Sail DC3 program. Although a high school diploma is required to pursue a bachelor’s degree at Full Sail University, it is not required for the Full Sail DC3 program.
With the plethora of modern options, some colleges may provide these types of no-prerequisite classes and even GED support. There are online, in-person and hybrid courses that have been streamlined following the example of pandemic-learning’s necessity.
“Nontraditional students are such a big part of higher education that now some people call them ‘new-traditional’ students, and many institutions seek to bring them to campus—though often just virtually. The growth of online learning on many campuses is driven by the rise of nontraditional students, who often work full time and raise families while they’re going to school,” says Lauren Smith, Ph.D., dean of Hamilton Holt School of Professional Advancement and Graduate Studies at Rollins College, which is designed for adult continuing education.
Holt School strives to include nontraditional students in the campus community, especially since they will be surrounded by peers in similar situations. Support services, advisors and faculty are available to help them navigate educational, social and personal circumstances.
Naturally, the same applies to graduate students, who may be interested in expanding their current career or transitioning to a new field. In the current, ever-evolving competitive career landscape, graduate student enrollment is high.
“Our grad programs allow students with seemingly unrelated bachelor’s degrees to take our master’s programs, allowing students to pivot mid-career or qualify for broader opportunities. For example, our most recently added degree program is the computer science master’s degree, designed for students looking to learn more about AI, machine learning and data science,” explains Dartez.
In addition, programs for graduate students at Full Sail University include peer mentorship and networking opportunities that can both enhance their skills in a current field or help them pivot to a new one.
“Many people enroll in graduate school because they know exactly what they want to do next, and they know that graduate school is the best path,” explains Smith. “Classes provide them with the chance to learn about areas of specialization, new subfields and new areas of learning. They get to know peers and faculty, and they learn from this network the direction their next steps might take them. You don’t have to know exactly what you want to do to benefit from a graduate school education. Graduate school can also help you understand better what you want from your career and your life.”