Holiday Shakedown with Orlando’s Movers & Shakers
Just like the famed Christmas song proclaims, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Orlando Family Magazine asked some of Orlando’s movers and shakers to share what makes their holiday season full of cheer!
Lisa Bowman, MSN, RN
Chief Nursing Officer, Florida Hospital for Children
Special tradition?
“A few years ago, I brought my daughter Emmi to Florida Hospital for Children on Christmas Day. I wanted her to understand the importance of giving back by thanking the caregivers who were away from their families on the holiday. She had many questions as to why children were hospitalized and wondered whether Santa brought their presents to the hospital. Emmi would shyly offer “Merry Christmas” as she passed out treats. Christmas rounds made an impact on her, and so, we’ve continued each year at her request.”
Favorite decoration?
“A beautiful Willow Tree nativity set that my husband gave me.”
Holiday shopping?
“My mom, sister, and I are Black Friday shoppers. It is the one day of the year that is OUR day. Not so much for the shopping, but more for the girl time and as a kick-start to our fun-filled, family-centric holiday season.”
Patrick Chapin
President/CEO, Winter Park Chamber of Commerce
Festive feast?
“Christmas Eve dinner is Olde Dixie fried chicken with my mom’s twice baked potatoes.”
Real or artificial tree?
“Real! I still get my tree from the same spot I did as a child at the Pine Castle Boys Scout Christmas lot.”
Early or late shopper?
“Is Christmas Eve late? Good news is that I can do all my shopping on Park Avenue.”
Ever gone Christmas caroling?
“Once, I chaperoned my daughter’s kindergarten class to sing carols at a retirement home. Let me repeat, ONCE. Ever ridden a school bus full of kindergarteners? That tradition didn’t stick!
What brings you joy?
“Aside from great community events (Chamber’s Tree Lighting, Leadership Winter Park Pancake Breakfast, and Chamber’s Christmas Parade), many family traditions including me yelling (in honor of my late grandmother), “Save the paper!” As kids, my frugal grandmother wanted us to unwrap the presents carefully so she could reuse the paper the following year. Once, we actually got presents wrapped in left over wallpaper from her remodeled bathroom!”
Buddy Dyer
Mayor, City of Orlando
Christmas dinner?
Turkey is our family’s traditional Christmas meal.
Real or artificial tree?
“We have a real tree every year. Last year, we had one of each. We had to decorate a fake one inside because the real tree we got was too big to fit inside the house!”
Ever dressed up as Santa?
“Before I had kids of my own, I would dress up as Santa at the law firm’s Christmas party for the children of the employees.”
Leslye Gale
Co-host of John & Leslye, Magic 107.7
Traditions you’ve passed down?
“I was raised in a Jewish household, so we observed Hanukkah. I’m raising my son in a multi-cultural home so he gets the best of both worlds. We observe Hanukkah ─ lighting the candles on the eight nights with the exchange of a small gift (art supplies, books, trinkets); then open our larger presents on Christmas morning, followed by a huge breakfast!”
Team meat, pasta, or seafood?
“Team seafood all the way!”
Real or artificial tree?
“Real. As a child, I wanted a tree but couldn’t have one; so picking the tree, trimming it, and keeping it alive through the holidays is special to me. It’s tradition to get our tree the day after Thanksgiving and we’ve gone to the same lot since my son was born. One year, we bought our tree from a home improvement store and my son didn’t talk to us for a week!”
Greg Warmoth
News Anchor, WFTV 9
Holiday routines?
“Family, friends, and neighbors stop over (after Santa comes) for a huge breakfast. I cook up bacon, ham, sausage, scrambled eggs, omelets, pancakes, waffles, fried potatoes, biscuits, and cinnamon rolls. I started more than 20 years ago and it’s grown into serving about 30-40 people.”
Other traditions?
“We open one present on Christmas Eve and it’s always pajamas. That way when the boys wake up, they always have fresh PJ’s for videos/pictures. Now in their late teens and 20’s, we still do it, although the PJ’s no longer are the ‘footsy’ jammie kind!”
Festive feast?
“Our Christmas meal almost always includes a Honey Baked ham, but I have branched out to do a Low Country Boil.”
Favorite holiday destination?
“EPCOT. We always do the Candlelight Processional.”
Seasonal advice?
“Listening to Christmas music is therapeutic. It just seems to make everyone happy ─ even during the hustle and bustle.”