North Orlando Sunshine Moms Network
Sharing the Sunshine and Offering Support – Families with Multiples Welcome to Join
A group of moms comes together multiple times each week in north Orlando for ‘cheerfulness and happiness,’ their definition of sunshine. That’s exactly why 35-year-old Kristen Stehli founded the Sunshine Moms Network in 2008. The term ‘multiple’ is one she’s familiar with. This mother of identical twin three-year-old boys, and three other tween and teen children, sought the company of similar families raising multiples, or even those embarking on the adventure of parenting just one child – or as the group describes it…a singlet.
In the short three years since the concept was launched, five hundred families have benefited from Sunshine Moms Network that caters to those with children from newborns to youngsters four years of age, and also welcomes those with twins or triplets. “People not only find the immediate support they are seeking, but build true, meaningful relationships that live on,” says Stehli.
For Carley Bove, a 36-year-old mother of four, including 3-year-old fraternal twin boys, socializing with others who could relate to the demands of her hectic schedule was key.
“Having twins means two times everything! Double the madness and fun,” she states “I joined looking for the reassurance that I’d survive this journey.”
As a new member of the group, Bove is happily surviving and gaining a renewed confidence through the support of other members. Plus, she is looking forward to seeing her boys thrive through interactions with other children who also come in pairs!
Lori Hill found that membership had some unexpected benefits. The 33-year-old mom noticed that her two-and-a-half year old daughter, Garland, wasn’t connecting with the other children. In fact, she was noticeably different from the other kids, preferring to play alone instead of interacting with them. “Within two months of my participation, I could see that Garland struggled with socialization,” says Hill. Soon after, Garland was diagnosed with autism, giving a name to her mother’s concerns. “Garland’s diagnosis and care would have been significantly delayed without our participation in this group.” In addition to traditional therapy, Hill believes that Garland is progressing because of her frequent interaction with this lively group of children.
Another mom, Victoria Pinter, 37, is also using the Sunshine Moms Network as a teaching tool, not only for her two-year-old daughter, Olivia, but for herself as well! Relocating from abroad just four years ago, Victoria arrived from Hungary worried that her daughter, a first generation American, would find it difficult to learn English. But, by attending gatherings four to five times a week, both mom and daughter have learned the language, plus they’ve formed much needed friendships with local families.
These frequent visits are the norm for members. Over one hundred active members are offered up to 5 different activities each day! Participants stay connected mostly through and Facebook. A sub-committee of ten members serves as a steering body to plan outings, all stemming from online opinion polls.
Liz Moore, 29, a member of the planning committee and mom to Emily, 14 months, says she stays connected through a cell phone app. A typical week might consist of story time, splash parks, and of course, plenty of free time at various neighborhood parks. Moore admits that the benefit from the group’s support has been three-fold in terms of emotional support, development of parenting skills, and her overall sanity! “My daughter was born with a birth defect. She underwent multiple surgeries, and these ladies have given me strength,” says Moore. “It’s a really genuine group, fostering true friendships.”
Moore sees the benefits of comparing parenting techniques, tips, challenges, and solutions. “We share our experience on everything from breast-feeding and foods, to finding the cheapest diapers. And, of course, trading coupons,” she adds, with a smile. Moore says her daughter’s favorite ‘meetups’ are feeding the ducks and story time. When you talk about a sanity check, for Moore, it’s definitely Moms Night Out! Occasionally, the moms leave the ‘goo-goo ga-ga’ chatter behind for lively exchanges over dinner or wine, and an opportunity to enjoy adult conversation without temper tantrums or crying babies. Members also get together once a month for a membership meeting to ensure that this support group, a cherished daily staple for many, continues to function seamlessly.
A $5 annual membership earns parents invitations to all events and online communications, including a forum, plus a new network of best friends. The support that comes with membership…Priceless, the Moms agree.
“Sometimes I dread getting it together to come in the morning, but I’m always happy that I made the effort at the end of the day because both the kids and I had fun. Plus, the twins always nap better on days we come!” adds Stehli. NAP…a cherished word for all mothers. Most daily activities for Sunshine Moms Network start around 10 a.m. and last a couple of hours; but meetings never occur between noon and 3 p.m. – primary nap hours for most members’ children.
Tracey Schwartz, 35, mom to three-year-old Gabe, adopted him when he was 17 months old. “These ladies helped me to quickly transition into parenting a toddler,” comments Schwartz, a former schoolteacher now putting her professional skills to use. “I lead a pre-school learning session once a week for the kids. Each child learns differently, but they all learn from each other.”
Large groups and organizations are not for everyone. Moms looking for support and friendship should give a variety of groups a try to find the one that best suits their personal needs. Parents looking for a fun, interactive group such as the Sunshine Moms Network can visit or Moms.