Exercise Your Right to Defy Gravity
Do you want to defy gravity and present a youthful physique, year after year? Maybe there’s another option aside from plastic surgery and good skincare, like practicing a few lunges. Okay, more than a few… but perhaps doing specific exercises to sculpt the body can impact the aging process.
Heading into mid-life, women are greeted with the rude inevitabilities of gravity, including loss of tone in the core, triceps, thighs, and glutes. After age 40, people typically lose 8% (or more) of muscle mass per decade. However, a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh evaluated persistent exercise over the years to prove that an aging person who exercises can, in fact, maintain good muscle tone. Five active men and five active women were tracked in age brackets (40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s) and, despite the age differences, their body fat, BMI, fat mass, and muscle mass faired similarly. Conclusion: sarcopenia, or decreased muscle mass from aging, isn’t inevitable! Experts say you don’t have to be a triathlete to achieve results; any activity that combines both aerobic and weight bearing exercise will maintain muscles into old age and, ultimately, improve quality of life.
Dr. Vonda Wright, an orthopedic surgeon and founder of the Performance and Research Initiative for Masters Athletes at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who oversaw the study, says the results “suggest strongly that people don’t have to lose muscle mass and function as they grow older. The changes that we’ve assumed were due to aging and, therefore were unstoppable, seem to be caused by inactivity. And that can be changed!”
Fitness Trainer Ali Svendsen witnesses this principal daily at RDV Sportsplex Athletic Club in Maitland, and agrees that building muscle offsets the aging process. She recommends that women use resistance training to see changes in their bodies. “Sometimes women are fearful of bulking up if they lift weights, but that couldn’t be further from the truth,” Svendsen says. “Lifting weights allows women to burn more calories during their workout ─ even more than just plain cardio ─ and get a lean, more defined look.” The type of exercise matters, and Svendsen recommends step-ups, walking lunges, and lateral lunges for the lower body; and chin-ups, pushups, tricep pullovers, and plank holds for the upper body.
Busy wife and mother of four, Nancy Anderson, 55, hits the gym five times a week, working in a mix of strength training to build muscle, and stretching classes to elongate and tone. Anderson defies her years by making careful nutrition choices, and admits that part of the reason she loves to work out is to be able to enjoy food a little more. “I love what I do at RDV and it works for me.”
To Jenn Fenton, 44, fitting into skinny jeans and maintaining a youthful body wasn’t the primary objective when she joined RDV four years ago. Fenton is mother to 8-year-old Marin, who has special needs, so keeping in shape and staying strong to care for her daughter was the focus. “The physical and mental demands of caring for a child with special needs can be overwhelming and I needed an outlet… something to help me cope, and heading to the RDV seemed like the best option.” Fenton added both strength-based and cardio-based classes to her workout and trains with Svendsen to achieve core and overall muscle strength. “I work Jenn’s total body with a circuit-style workout with three to four exercises, incorporating multiple muscles at the same time so she can get the greatest calorie burn while working on muscle definition and overall strength,” Svendsen explained. “She is a hard worker and I am so proud of her amazing results.”
Workout Rx
To get a more sculpted look, MVP Sports Clubs Group Fitness Coordinator & Fitness Trainer, Ali Svendsen, recommends a mixture of cardio and strength training exercises for women as they near middle age.
Lower body: step-ups, walking lunges, and lateral lunges
- Upper body: assisted chin-ups with a narrow grip, pushups, tricep pullovers, plank holds (front/side/back)
- Utilize interval training
- Portion control: Choose whole, non-processed foods including fruits, veggies, and grains. Never use a plate larger than 9 in. in diameter, and avoid excessive amounts of fat and simple carbs.
- Resistance training: Try weights, Pilates, etc. to maintain lean muscle. Shoot for 5-6 days a week, vary the intensity, and have fun!
Jean Kingsford is regional marketing manager at MVP Sports Clubs, the sports facility management company that owns and operates RDV Sportsplex and nine other sports facilities in Central Florida and West Michigan.