Ten Tidy Reasons To Get Cleaning Help
Like most moms, I was stubborn when it came to asking for help and I have no idea why. But finally, for a modest monthly investment, I can now sit in a sparkling clean home thanks to the focused and swift efforts of a cleaning service. I’m so glad that I asked for help and your will be too. Suddenly, I am an evangelist for housecleaners everywhere! I want to spread the good news to over-worked parents whose toilet bowls could use a good scrub, whose dust-bunnies are starting to organize, and whose children are grumbling about their friends’ homes being a lot “nicer.”
If you have two working parents under one roof, you can probably afford (and just might rejoice if you had) a bit of extra help around the house. You might think you “shouldn’t” or you “couldn’t,” but you should and you probably can! Here are ten guilt-free reasons:
1. Don’t worry about idle hands.
In case you are concerned that you will suddenly have nothing else to do if your home is regularly cleaned, I can assure you that you will still have ample chores to divide and conquer. The pets, yard, and garden will not suddenly start taking care of themselves. Your children will not become angels overnight. Your husband, if he is anything like mine, may never find the clothes hamper. Clutter will still accumulate and need to be purged.
2. Get wiser at your day job.
Burdens are funny things. They drag along with us invisibly everywhere we go, including the workplace. So that sink full of dirty dishes waiting for you is probably bothering you and even distracting you from matters at hand. With increased order under your roof, life goes more smoothly in general and decision-making becomes easier.
3. Spend to save.
You know the expression: You have to spend money to make money. Once your home is orderly, it will make perfect sense. Go ahead and make the investment in your and your family’s happiness now and reap the dividends for the long run. Having a clean home will likely inspire you to stay home more rather than trying to escape a messy house, which can also save you money.
4. Be less stressed around the family.
If your old, repetitive past-time was snapping at everyone to “pick up, put that away, and don’t leave that for me to clean up,” you will be pleasantly surprised when the help of cleaners motivates the entire family to pitch in and get things tidy. If anyone drags their feet when it’s time to get ready for the cleaners, remind them that they can’t work their magic in an overly cluttered space.
5. Spruce up your space.
Thanks to the hours of labor that you have delegated to others, you will suddenly find yourself viewing your old digs with brand new eyes. You may start flipping through home décor magazines, sense that the kitchen walls could use a fresh coat of paint, or notice that your teenager has outgrown her princess décor. You will likely have the energy to act on these inclinations in playful ways.
6. Invite people over.
Your old logic was: you had an unpresentable house and you didn’t want others to know it! Your new logic can be: you have a neat house, and you remember how much you liked hosting guests before you became overly concerned about whether they would judge your housekeeping habits. Party time!
7. Invest in meal preparation.
Grab-a-bite syndrome abounds in families with two working parents. Fast food and, worse, inhaling your food on the run, leads to poor food choices, weight gain, and a stressful sense of rush-rush-rush. You can do better and prepare easy meals thanks to a tidy kitchen. Think soup, casseroles, crock-pot meals, or breakfast for dinner.
8. Finally time to exercise.
Cleaning burns calories but it’s not aerobic. We need at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three times a week to stay fit, according to the American Heart Association. The AHA also recommends strength training twice a week. Get a move on and be back into those “skinny” jeans with your new time.
9. Become an interesting person again.
Remember the things you used to like to do before your chaotic house drained all your energy? Meeting the girls for a chick flick, enjoying a stroll with the family, and scrapbooking are all things you will have time for again when you have a clean home. You might even explore new hobbies.
10. Your creative juices will flow.
Consider how you’d like to spend your new free time. Give yourself permission to innovate and enjoy!
You probably think these benefits are exaggerated. But you’ll never know for sure unless you explore your options. Why not call a cleaning service today for a quote? The cost is probably more affordable than you think and definitely worth it!