Today’s Hot College Majors
GOING TO COLLEGE entails lots of decision making. Community college or a four-year university? In or out of state? Private or public? And perhaps most grueling of all: What to major in?
If local colleges are any barometer, degree programs that focus on business and health seem to be the most sought-after by local incoming freshmen. “We’ve seen a lot of our students indicate major interest in business and pre-health programs such as biology or psychology,” says Faye Tydlaska, vice president for enrollment management at Rollins College.
Likewise, the most popular majors at University of Central Florida (UCF) reportedly include those that will help graduates succeed in business, management, marketing and related support services.
As Tydlaska notes, though, not everyone who pursues a business degree does so purely with the thought of enriching themselves. “Social entrepreneurship is something that I think you’ll see increasing across the nation,” she says. “More and more students want to be doing good with their degree, and they see that as a way to give back once they graduate.”
Like many community-focused schools, Valencia College sees more interest in tech- and medical-related fields, such as electrical or electronic engineering, medical radiologic technology, and therapy-focused programs.
Tydlaska agrees that tech degrees are likely to continually attract more students in the years to come. “Rollins doesn’t have some of these majors currently, but nationwide, you may see more technology-related majors or business analytics-type majors,” she says. “We do have a computer science program that seems to be increasing as well. So I think some of those more tech- and analytics-focused degree programs may be more popular in the future.”
Of course, for many college freshmen, which degree to pursue is a decision they’d just as soon put off for the time being. “An awful lot of students are just hoping to keep their options open for at least that first year of college,” says Tydlaska. “So they’re coming in undecided.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that. After all, there are countless decades of tradition supporting that sort of indecision.