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A Father’s Day Gift From the Heart and For the Heart

Show Dad You Care

Dad loves sports, right? So, why not celebrate Father’s Day by doing something related to his favorite activity that’s not only fun, but good for his heart and his family’s health? Sure, a tie, shirt, or some golf balls are nice, but a family fitness day can create a memorable holiday tradition. Show Dad that you really care about him and have given thought to a special gift that he’ll enjoy. Chances are he’ll hardly notice that it’s a great workout as well. Try these unique gift ideas to get him and you off the couch, outdoors, and in the mood to celebrate good health.

dad_sports_feature Play his favorite sport. Identify Dad’s favorite sport and arrange an afternoon challenge. Does he like golf? Go to the driving range to hit a round of golf balls. Baseball? Go to the park for a game of catch. Football? Set up a game of flag football with your family or friends. Soccer? Grab a ball and practice your kicks to each other in your yard or at a local park. He’ll appreciate the thoughtfulness and you’ll spend quality time together while being physically active.

Help with the chores. Give Dad a coupon good for one day of help with chores around the house. Offer to help rake leaves, mow the lawn, paint the fence, or wash the car – all calorie burning tasks. Go the extra mile by offering to do the entire chore for him!

Go to the park. Visit your local park and spend some quality time outdoors in the fresh air. Whether you’re romping on the playground or initiating a game of kickball, tap into the family’s competitive nature and keep your hearts pumping, bodies moving, and laughs coming. Makes for great family videos to look back on some day!

Take a wheels/walk outing. Get out your bikes and hit the trail or take a tour of your neighborhood or community. If biking isn’t your thing, walk or in-line skate instead. But remember, show the love; make safety a priority by always wearing a helmet and kneepads.

Make some waves. Is Dad a surfer dude at heart? Opt for fun in the sun on the beach with surfing, boogie boarding, volleyball or paddle ball. Not into salt and sand? Hit the local lakes for a kayaking adventure and enjoy some personal encounters with nature.

Get Dads together for a game. Issue an invitation to friends, neighbors, family members, and their dads to gather for a pickup game of flag football, basketball, baseball, kickball, tennis, roller hockey, etc. with you and your dad. Loser supplies the cool drinks at the rematch! Pack a healthy picnic or snack to enjoy after the game and remember to stay well hydrated.

For more family tips from your American Heart Association, visit