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Chris Hemsworth has overcome several obstacles along the way to becoming a global superstar, but his latest role proved to be the most daunting—and rewarding—of his career.

Chris Hemsworth, a powerhouse of talent and charisma, steps into the spotlight once again with his latest film, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. The Australia-born actor has carved quite a niche for himself in Hollywood, seamlessly transitioning from his early television roles in his native country to becoming a globally recognized superstar.

Best known for his portrayal of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hemsworth’s journey in the acting world has been nothing short of spectacular, marked by a mix of critically acclaimed performances and blockbuster hits.

Beyond his iconic role as the Norse god of thunder, Hemsworth has showcased his versatility across a range of genres. He made a significant impact with his role in Star Trek (2009), which served as his Hollywood debut.

His ability to blend into diverse characters was further evident in films like Snow White and the Huntsman in 2012 and its sequel four years later, where he played the ruggedly charming Huntsman.

More proof of that talent for action and drama came to the fore in Rush (2013), where he portrayed Formula 1 driver James Hunt, earning praise for his performance. He also displayed his comedic chops in the remake of Ghostbusters (2016) and Men in Black: International (2019), proving his range extends well beyond solely action-oriented roles.

In 2020’s Extraction, he delivered an intense performance that was both physically demanding and emotionally resonant, further cementing his status as a versatile leading man. These roles, among others, have contributed to Hemsworth’s esteemed career, showcasing his ability to captivate audiences across various cinematic landscapes.

Off screen, his life is equally vibrant—shared with his wife, Spanish actress Elsa Pataky, known for her roles in the Fast and Furious franchise. The couple, who tied the knot in December 2010, are parents to three children.

Hemsworth spoke to Orlando Family Magazine about the challenges and triumphs of his latest venture in Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. The film, set in the post-apocalyptic world first popularized by the original Mad Max series, promises to be a thrilling ride, showcasing his versatility as an actor. He shares how it almost never happened and why pushing through it became one of the best decisions of his career.


Are you looking forward to seeing what the end result of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga looks like, as well as how it’s going to be received?

Oh yeah, absolutely. There is immense excitement. We wrapped up shooting over a year ago, so both I and the fans were eagerly awaiting the outcome.

It’s one of those that has sat around for a while, to the point where you compartmentalize it and put it away, almost like a memory that fades a bit more with every day.

Then the promo begins, and it all comes roaring back. But sure, yes, we’re excited to see how it’s received.


What was it like to be filming it in such a traditional Mad Max place?

I had a conversation with George Miller, the director, in Broken Hill, Australia. This is the same place where the original Mad Max was filmed. We even saw Top Gun together in the very cinema where he viewed the early footage 45 years earlier.

Watching [the original Mad Max], I was reminded of how, for many Australian actors, Mel Gibson represented a pathway to Hollywood. Being involved in that realm was a dream come true.


So he was an inspiration for you?

Oh, for sure. He had everything—style, spirit, the looks, the mannerisms. You have to remember as well that way back in 1979 people hadn’t seen this sort of hero—it was something new and original, and Mel was kind of unique for a long while.

When I got into film and started watching what were old movies, I guess you could say, he was exactly the sort of hero I wanted to be: a kind of dystopian rogue separated from reality in a conflicted world. That sounded pretty good to me. In reality, I just ended up heading to the beach with my surfboard!


I heard George Miller took on a unique approach to casting.

A lot of the actors came from diverse and complex life experiences. Instead of having them read from the script during auditions, George would just engage them in conversation, inviting them to share personal stories and life experiences.

I feel this approach uncovered a genuine authenticity—it meant everyone was being heard as a person, rather than just an actor capable of putting on a voice or a move. That meant when things got tough during filming, as they invariably always do, there was a greater bond and greater desire to get it right, as we were individuals and real people, rather than just actors.


You’ve had such a busy schedule over the past few years, is it taking any toll on you at all?

In all honesty, entering the filming for this movie, I was utterly drained. The thought crossed my mind, ‘What will it take for me to endure this?’ The challenge seemed daunting, as I had to summon energy and passion despite feeling depleted.

It required a deep dive into my reserves of strength and motivation, pushing me to explore new limits of resilience and determination. This experience was not just about acting; it was about overcoming personal barriers and rediscovering my commitment to the craft. I’m so glad that I pushed myself to get through it.


How did you get through it?

In the first week of rehearsals with George, I experienced a reawakening of my creative spirit. This project has become the most rewarding experience of my career and it’s something I hold in the highest regard.

It led me to realize that it’s not the work itself that’s tiring, but rather the nature of the work and my level of investment in it. It’s about whether the work challenges me in meaningful ways.


So, you’d definitely work with the same director again?

Oh, without question. As long as he will have me, of course.


You’re obviously in tremendous shape and it’s helped you power through such a grueling schedule. What’s the best advice you can give for someone looking to build lean strength?

Commitment and dedication are the best bedfellows. You won’t get anywhere unless you invest fully in the process of what it is you are doing, and to do that you need to be regimented and bloody-minded.

Nothing can get in the way of your goal, and on that note, your goal needs to be something that is clear and repeated every day. You should always be reminding yourself of the target, as well as assessing how far you are along the line.

Beyond that, building muscle for me has always been about a lot of protein, it’s about calorie surplus, it’s about plenty of water and plenty of rest.

Then you have the mechanics during the lift: proper breathing, shorter rest intervals in between. It’s an evolving process and you’ll know where you are at any one time, but you must always push to get to the next level.

Personally, I wouldn’t ever leave the gym having done less than the previous visit, unless it was a specific wind-down session or I was carrying some sort of injury or knock.


So workout over diet, or the other way around?

Diet must come first, especially if you’re talking about just general health and weight loss and staying lean.

If I’m not training that much but my diet is spot on, then I will stay in the good zone if I commit to working out, food and sleep in equal measure. Do that and that will take you all the way.


Over the years in the action movies you’ve done, how have you adapted or adjusted your preparation?

As time has gone on I’ve actually done less weights and training and looked more at functional movement.

In diet terms I’ve actually gone for a bit for less protein than I did for the first Thor film. The first film and the diet and training for that was all about animal protein—like, as much as we could get in.

Whereas, when I tried to lose the weight for other films, it was really difficult. So, I thought, ‘Actually, I don’t need to eat that much for the second film,’ and I would take smaller portions than I had for the first one.


But does it get easier now that you have done it a few times? You stay in shape in between movies and you love to surf as well.

Yeah, I guess that’s the trick to not go too far off the path when I’m not shooting. But your body remembers and the muscle memory is a huge help. It definitely comes back easier and you also know your program inside out.


Do you enjoy the training, or do you get grumpy when you have to build back up again?

No, I enjoy the training and I enjoy what I feel after training: the release of endorphins and it gives me a greater sense of energy and so on. But yeah, there are times when it’s the end of the day or first thing in the morning and it’s the last thing that I feel like doing.

But as I said, I like to remind myself of how I feel afterwards.


You and your wife Elsa work out together, is that correct? Is there anything that she can beat you in?

So, my trainer, Zoco Body Pro (Luke Zocchi), was a boxing trainer for a few years and he trains both myself and my wife. Elsa is relentless, she just doesn’t quit. I kind of do about four or five rounds of boxing on the pads and the bags and then gas out.

Whereas she’s just got amazing cardio and stamina—it’s incredible. She would bash me in a fight, which she has done. There is no good time to talk about it. Maybe with my therapist. I don’t even have a therapist.

I like it when she hits me—it tickles. Nah, she never hits me!


Is it tough having your trainer who is also your best friend?

No, it actually makes it easier. We can kind of be brutal to each other and there is no barrier. There is genuine honesty and genuine love and respect between us, so no matter what we go through in training there is a brotherly admiration we have for each other.

I can’t imagine being trained by someone I didn’t like and respect. That just seems weird to me.


It seems only yesterday that your children were born, but now they are all approaching their teenage years. How does that feel?

It’s incredible how quickly they grow up. I think any parent will tell you it’s frightening and it makes you totally aware of your own age and your own mortality.

I also find myself getting much more philosophical about parenting and all that it involves. My upbringing was modest financially, yet my parents were my greatest role models. Their kindness, respectfulness and their consistently inspiring, nurturing demeanor left an indelible impact on me.

Now, our financial situation is quite different, but it’s crucial for them to understand that such things don’t come without effort. They need to recognize the importance of hard work and not to assume anything is a given.

True success, in my eyes, is less about material possessions and more about the values we uphold and the kind of individuals we choose to be.