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Home Swapping: The Ups & Downs of Alternative Lodging

Movie-goers fell in love with the 2006 romantic comedy “The Holiday,” starring Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, and Kate Winslet. While some simply enjoyed the entertaining love story, others were intrigued by a specific detail of the storyline: home swapping. Following the film, millions of homeowners from around the globe signed up for what’s become a major cost saver for vacationing families. Travelers have a choice of more than a dozen fee-based home exchange networks, including established online sites such as HomeLink, HomeExchange, and Intervac, or industry newcomers like Love Home Swap and Knok. Besides collectively housing millions of possible exchange homes, many of these networks harness the power of social media as a vetting and/or review tool.

Most people know from an immediate gut reaction whether home swapping is a suitable option for them. The idea of staying in a stranger’s home and having a stranger stay in your home either seems like an adventure or an absolute nightmare! For Orlando resident Vivian Kerstein, it seemed like an adventure. Six years ago, an in-flight magazine article about exchange piqued her interest. She eased into the concept by swapping with a friend who owned a loft in the heart of New York City. “It was a lot of fun. My friend signed up with and started swapping, and then I signed up,” says Kerstein, who has since experienced more than 20 exchanges. “Now I have it down to a science.”

Kerstein has her home listed with both HomeLink and Intervac, the two biggest exchange sites, which boast more than 40,000 members cumulatively across more than 40 countries. She has exchanged her home with homeowners near and far, including Italy, France, Spain, and the Florida Keys. She’s taken her family on three-week-long trips through Europe spending nary a penny on lodging. In some cases, her exchange partners have offered to include their car, which has translated into additional savings. Kerstein’s epic 2008 European vacation, which took them to France and the Netherlands, cost a total of just $6,800, leaving the adventurists with no doubt that home swapping was the ideal way to “go on holiday.”

Besides visiting some of the world’s most amazing places, perhaps the most memorable moments of her travels have been when exchange partners have demonstrated unexpected levels of generosity. Kerstein recalls, “We’ve showed up to find fresh baked bread, cheeses, and meats; and we’ve been picked up from the airport.” She has story after story of random acts of kindness that would leave a typical hotel traveler stunned.

Back in Orlando, nothing has ever been broken or stolen from the Kerstein home. In fact, the family jokes that if they want to see their house at its cleanest they simply need to do a swap, because exchange partners always leave the home spotless. In spite of her overwhelmingly positive experiences, Kerstein is quick to acknowledge that swapping is not for everyone. “This type of travel invites a lot of mishaps and unexpected situations,” she says. A lot of people can’t travel like that and prefer the certainty of a hotel or resort. “But you pay a lot of money for that.” Kerstein describes the ideal home swapper as someone who is adventurous, trusting, and open-minded ─ qualities she sees embodied by far more European travelers than Americans. She recently met a 70-year-old couple from Europe who has home swapped their way around the world.

“My house means a lot to me, but I trust the people that come here. That said, I lock up things that matter to me and put valuables away,” says Kerstein, who now lets exchangers borrow her car as long as they have an international driver’s license and insurance. “You have to be an open-minded person to handle these things and not someone who will worry about their home the whole time they’re away,” she adds. Her own open-mindedness has translated into savings in the thousands and cherished travel memories. “We have had experiences you can’t get from your normal, everyday travel agency. It’s been really great.”

Things to know…

  • Most exchange sites charge a fee to have your home listed, usually around $10 per month. Some sites are free, but you get what you pay for. You’ll get more serious offers as part of a network in which members have paid for their listing.
  • There are several types of home swaps, including a straight-up exchange, but also non-simultaneous exchanges and hospitality exchanges where you host a family or are hosted.
  • When just starting out, it’s best not to be tied to a specific destination or exact date, as you might be discouraged if the perfect exchange doesn’t materialize.
  • If you live in a popular destination like Orlando, you’ll likely receive more frequent and diverse offers.
  • Most home exchanges are typically for 1-4 weeks, versus overnight or weekend getaways.
  • Be accurate and detailed about what exchangers can expect in your home, including vehicle use, wi-fi, pet-friendly, or multiple families staying at the same time. Be clear about ground rules!
  • Let your neighbors know about your swapping because, chances are, you’ll be eliciting their help handing over keys and keeping an eye out on your house.
  • Be open to establishing long-term friendships with the people you exchange with. This is, in most cases, a wonderful by-product of home swapping.