Miles of Milestones
Twelve years ago, a funny, twenty-something bachelor ran a half marathon with me in 36-degree weather to propose at the finish line. In front of our family and thousands of exhausted competitors, my runner’s-high spiked as I said “yes!” After 11 years of marriage, I thank God that Paul and I are still running the course of life together.
I love reminiscing about that slow-paced, infancy stage of our relationship. Today, as parents of an infant, we seem to be in a constant sprint. Neither of us has time to actually hit the pavement for a workout so, instead, I’ll playfully compare running to parenting!
Training: As I always did with racing, I physically and mentally prepared myself for pregnancy and the arrival of our son. Paul and I took a birthing course, breastfeeding class, and read childcare books. But, unlike sports, mommy and daddy don’t exactly have a coach calling the shots for us with a play-by-play handbook! It even seems like we’re running different stretches of this race, as my husband and I dash past each other handing off the baton (um, I mean baby). Fortunately, I know that we’re on the same team – just with our uniforms soaked in spit-up versus sweat.
- Goal: I typically set objectives for mile splits and overall times. Well, of course, Paul and I are now focused on our shared goal of raising a family. Like most parents, we want to raise a kind, smart, and healthy individual with a generous and fun-loving heart. Our pace might falter here and there, but we’re determined to stay the course.
- Course: Parenting is a long distance relay, but we don’t have a sporty navigation system directing us. While I don’t know what twists and turns lay ahead, I’m certain that at some point we’ll feel as if we’ve taken a wrong turn. Yet keeping our son’s best interest in mind will get us back on track.
- Recovery: Our muscles may not be sore, but our bodies and minds are tired! It’s amazing how parents can function on such little sleep following overnight feedings or, for those with teens, the countdown to curfew. We’ll stumble on life’s hurdles, but we’ll recover.
- Fans: Cheers amp up motivation, especially during moments when self-doubt makes you want to give up. Heck, I’ve achieved race records thanks to the enthusiasm of strangers at water stations. Similarly, the support of others is essential in the parenting race and I’m lucky to have a familiar cheering squad (family, friends, teachers, neighbors, etc.).
- Victory: A race contestant physically crosses the finish line and claims a prize. Perhaps a child’s milestones are the non-tangible ribbons and medals of parenthood! I’m excited to rack up the miles of milestones with my sweet boy.
~ I think are on the right track. And it is true, your son’s accomplishments (whether it be his first steps, potty training, his first day of school or graduation from a university) wil feel like winning a medal and a million bucks!!
What a great comparison, Nancy. Although I have never been a runner, other than from a swarm of bees once, Grandma and I raised three sons of which you “landed” one. They turned out to be stellar young men and fathers so I guess we did something right along the way. We are so happy and proud to have you on our “running team”. We will always be there for you whether it be at the start of the race, or “the wall”, or the finish…regardless of the temperature. Enjoy and love every minute that your family gives you because the years truly do “fly by”. Kudos on your article and what a great photo.