Stress Busting Strategies for the Holidays
The holidays are a time of joy, family gatherings, and high-energy fun… Oh, really? Stress takes its toll on many women, especially moms, during this time of year. Hard to enjoy silver bells and last minute shopping when you are tense and exhausted! Let’s take a look at some strategies to help you slow down and create calm so you can enjoy the holidays with your family.
Spread the Cheer─ And the Jobs!
During the holidays we tend to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget to delegate. Learn to share the responsibilities for shopping, baking, and planning with loved ones. Even though contrary to your do-it-all nature, take a step back and let others have a role in the festivities. “Learning to delegate as a mother/caregiver is, at times, one of the most difficult tasks,” says Luis G. Allen MD, medical director of the Florida Hospital Center for Behavioral Health in Orlando. Dr. Allen points out individuals often have an image of what the ideal mom/caregiver role should be–a superwoman who does everything. “The first task is to redefine these ideals,” he says. “This permits a woman to delegate while still enjoying a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.”
By meting out certain chores, you and your kids may benefit from a new life lesson. For many moms, a challenge can become a reward when we allow others to participate in their own way and when we recognize that the outcome may not always be our ideal. In the end, we’ve helped others feel as if they are important contributors in the celebration.
Maintain Realistic Expectations
Is this the year that Uncle Joe and Grandpa will end their annual holiday argument over who gets the turkey leg? Will your holiday finally turn out like one of those peaceful Norman Rockwell portraits or will it continue to look more like the Griswold Family Christmas? High expectations for the holidays can have a detrimental impact if you are being unrealistic. “Take a moment to sit down and remember holidays past,” advises Allen. “Reflect on last year’s holiday season, or the holiday seasons of the last two or three years. Make a list of all the activities and invitations that you accepted. Try to apply emotional connections to each one: if it was a pleasant, happy, or stressful experience. After clearly defining your most pleasant experiences, attempt to decrease this list by one third.”
Don’t be afraid to say “No”. Avoid scheduling too many activities and visits with friends by committing only to events that you really want to attend. Don’t stress yourself and your calendar by trying to fit all the parties into your schedule.
Re-Examine Your Eating Habits
Often when a woman suffers from stress, she finds herself falling into unhealthy eating habits. High-fat, high-salt foods may provide temporary relief, but overindulgence will only come back to haunt you in the end. A season abundant with calorie-filled goodies can spell disaster for your health and well-being. We won’t even talk about that little glitzy New Year’s Eve dress you hope to fit into…
Nutritionists agree that a balanced, healthful diet will increase your body’s ability to ward off the effects of stress. “View the number of daily calories allowed as a budget that you are given each day,” says Allen. “The holiday season may require some reallocation of these calories to account for holiday parties or events.” The key is eating in moderation: eat one cookie instead of a handful. If you attend a holiday party that features an elaborate, delectable buffet, make one trip, fill a small plate, and then step away from the buffet! Avoid eating on the run and limit impulse snacking.
Find Time for Yourself
Let’s hear it for some well-deserved pampering. Try to set aside private time each week to lounge on the couch with a great book and a favorite cup of tea. Difficult to do, but the payoff is quite effective. Another way to ward off stress and recharge your immune system is to get regular exercise. The National Women’s Health Resource Center in Red Bank, New Jersey, states that the addition of a regular exercise program will keep your body fit and strengthen its ability to withstand stress. Take a walk for at least 30 minutes each day and the health benefits are impressive. In addition to reducing stress hormone levels, exercise boosts your immune system helping to ward off the viruses that make the rounds with the increase in holiday hugs and handshakes. “Something as simple as taking yourself out for a 10 minute stroll in a nice environment can bring some quietness to your inner self,” advises Allen.
Peace and good will to all…Ladies, isn’t that what we need to cope with the approaching hectic holidays? Share your to-do list, grab a book and put your feet up, or strap on your walking shoes and keep the holidays healthy.