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The Preferred Choice

With a dedicated team of agents and a proven track record of putting clients first, Preferred Real Estate Brokers has become a leader in the field.

Preferred Real Estate Brokers is Florida’s premier real estate brokerage, dedicated to providing exceptional services in this dynamic and ever-evolving real estate market. Preferred Real Estate Brokers is ranked a Top 10 brokerage in Central Florida based on closed volume and has several locations across the state to serve their clients. Behind the success of this acclaimed agency is a team of highly skilled agents with a client-centric approach, led by broker/owner Jose Fleming.

In 2016, Jose Fleming opened Preferred Real Estate Brokers with the encouragement of his soon-to-be future partners Tracy Hamstead and Michael Mello. “Prior to Preferred Real Estate Brokers, I had another real estate agency that was bought out by a larger nationally franchised company. I stayed on for about five years, working in broker management and compliance, but thought heavily about leaving the industry,” explains Fleming. “It was the persuasion of a handful of agents that really encouraged me to open this new agency.”

Initially, Preferred Real Estate Brokers opened with just a handful of agents, but with a business model that is agent-forward, it didn’t take much time to gain momentum and popularity within the industry. “The model was to run the business from the perspective of an agent. All the decisions I make for the company come from what I believe a working agent would value and appreciate,” says Fleming.

In many real estate companies, it’s quite typical that a broker may not provide the agent with all the necessary tools and resources to succeed, as it often can lead to profit loss for the company. For Fleming, those tools are non-negotiable. “I’m on the landscape where I provide tools, technology and services to my agents to help them reach their full potential. In the long run, it leads to more productivity and longevity of working relationships,” he says.

The company’s more philanthropic approach to running a successful real estate brokerage has proven to be quite a draw with most agents, as one would imagine. “The core concept of my company is to offer my agents a more equitable split because, after all, they are the ones doing all the work and bringing in all the business. But in addition to that, I know that agents also need tools and resources to succeed, and that shouldn’t be solely at their expense,’’ Fleming says.

When working at Preferred Real Estate Brokers, agents can benefit from a higher commission split of 80% immediately upon hire with no monthly fees, with the potential increase of 90% to 100% depending on the agents’ closed volume. Fleming says, “Yes, agents have to work their way up to that top tier with volume and performance but at Preferred Real Estate, once an agent reaches that upper echelon, they stay there. You can only go up and stay up.”

The company also reinvests in each agent, by absorbing the cost of crucial tools that agents need like business coaching, signs and marketing materials that the agent would otherwise need to pay out of pocket.

“Even though an agent starts with an 80/20 split, I take roughly 10% of the split and put it back into their business. The company provides agents with business cards, signs, websites, CRM tools, training courses, open house opportunities, and even in-office transaction coordinator assistance,” says Fleming. “So often we see agents struggling to stay organized when they are working on multiple deals simultaneously, so a transaction coordinator can really help assist in that area. We make sure we have them on staff and ready to help an agent who needs support.”

Staying true to his core concept of agent support, Preferred Real Estate Brokers also operates as an “open ecosystem” for open houses.

“One of the rules we have at Preferred Real Estate is that you have to be willing to share your listings with other agents. As a brokerage, when we list a property we are making a promise to that seller that we are going to do everything in our power to get that property sold. With currently over 200 agents, there is a surplus of listings, so it’s important to work together as a company to give our clients the best opportunities to sell their homes” Fleming states.

The main objective at Preferred Real Estate Brokers will always be to deliver outstanding results to clients, but Fleming believes that outstanding service starts with happy agents and is committed to his core concept. “In our company, every agent matters and is offered equal opportunities to make the most of their time with us successful.”

Whether you’re buying, selling, investing or looking to start a career in real estate, the preferred choice is Preferred Real Estate Brokers.

Preferred Real Estate Brokers
(407) 758-5353