Tips for Shopping at Your Farmers’ Market
A trip to your local farmers’ market offers a great opportunity to indulge in fresh, healthy produce and to expand your horizons by trying new items or preparing them in different ways. Here are eight tips to make the most of your farmers’ market visit:
- Note the hours and dates of your local market on your calendar. Set reminders on your smartphone that will alert you when favorite items such as tomatoes, peas, beans, and strawberries come into season.
- Prepare your refrigerator and kitchen for the season’s harvest. Clean out your fridge’s produce drawer, and stock up on items that complement fresh produce, such as salad dressings and seasonings that can be used to turn basic veggies into delicious meals. Make sure to choose (when possible) organic options, such as Simply Organic’s Greek Yogurt Dips ─ great for dipping broccoli and cauliflower florets.
- While farmers’ market vendors will almost certainly have plastic bags on hand, take your own reusable sacks or baskets to carry your purchase ─ reusable bags are better for Mother Nature and can usually hold more items than plastic bags. If you’ll be buying perishable items, consider packing a cooler as well to maintain freshness. Remember to place heavier items (like melons) on the bottom of the bag and lighter ones (such as berries) on top.
- You’ll find the freshest produce and best selection early in the day. Setting your alarm to wake up a bit earlier could ensure that you get the prime pick of the day’s produce.
- Leave the $20 and $50 bills at home. Smaller bills will provide you with greater buying flexibility, and vendors always appreciate the change. Farmers’ markets typically do not accept credit cards or check payments and rarely have an ATM on site, so plan on bringing along green to purchase your greens!
- Scope out the entire market before you begin make final selections. Certain popular items, such as tomatoes, cantaloupes, melons, peas, and potatoes will be available for purchase from multiple vendors. Strolling through the market first will allow you to compare prices and perhaps taste samples to ensure you’re choosing the best and most delicious finds for your family.
- Unpack bags as soon as you return home and store each item appropriately. Create a menu plan for the week that incorporates everything you’ve purchased to help ensure that nothing goes to waste! Don’t forget to include fresh snacks into your meal plan.
- Every week, try something new! By all means, enjoy your familiar favorites, but also add in unique seasonal items like kohlrabi, chard, or broccolini. Not sure how to prepare something new? Seasonings are a great way to add flavor without fat. Spice-filled marinades or rubs are a perfect complement to produce. Throw your veggies on the grill to bring out the flavor. Check out for fresh produce recipe ideas.
Seasonal Produce:
- Bell Pepper
- Blueberry
- Cabbage
- Cantaloupe
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Eggplant
- Grapefruit
- Guava
- Lettuce
- Mushroom
- Orange
- Papaya
- Peanut
- Potato
- Radish
- Snap Bean
- Spinach
- Squash
- Strawberry
- Sweet Corn
- Tangerine
- Tomato
- Watermelon