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Seashells Candles

Transform your collected seaside treasures into beautiful candles! These homemade seashell decorations can add a beach-inspired touch to your home, and are perfect for summertime table settings.

Materials & Tools

  • Wax candle flakes
  • Tea lights
  • Seashells
  • Glass container
  • Pot
  • Essential oils (optional)


  1. Candle wicks: Pop tea light candles out of their metal tins and push the wicks out with your fingers. If you don’t have candle flakes handy, you can also use the wax from your tea lights.
  2. Set up: Stand up each of the wicks in the deepest part of the shells. Make sure the wicks are standing up straight and not bent over.
  3. Melt wax: Fill a saucepan with water (about the halfway). Place wax flakes in the glass container; then place container in the saucepan. Be sure the water level is low enough so it won’t splash into the wax flakes when it starts to boil. Turn your stove on to medium-high, and use a metal spoon to stir occasionally.
  4. Add scent (optional): Add 5-8 drops of essential oils to melted wax; stir well.
  5. Transfer wax into seashells: Place your shells on a flat surface lined with paper. Carefully pour your melted wax into each shell (stop at 1/3 in. from rim). Let wax cool and set. Light your candles and enjoy!