Calling All Pink Recruits: The Pink Army Wants YOU!
Pink dog tags are truly making a fashion statement. No, this trendy tag isn’t for your pet; it’s for you and your loved ones. The Florida Hospital Pink Army is recruiting, and you are needed to fight the battle! The Pink Army is not about military recruitment either, nor is it a club with an affinity toward the color pink; it’s about saving lives from breast cancer.
One out of eight women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. In fact, over 225,000 women are estimated to be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, and it is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. By having a routine mammogram, you are much more likely to discover breast cancer in its early stages, when the chances of being cured are higher. This test is not only simple, it’s effective for saving lives. So, why don’t more women have annual mammograms? That’s where the Pink Army comes in.
The Pink Army mirrors the honorary qualities of our military soldiers – bravery, pride, empowerment, and resilience – and utilizes them to help spread the word on the benefits of getting a mammogram.
- Pink Army soldiers are brave. With the vast reach of breast cancer, it is more likely than not that a soldier has had to be brave in the battle against cancer, whether as a patient or as a loved one, friend, or co-worker of a patient. The Pink Army is for ANY brave soldier who wants to enlist.
- Pink Army soldiers have pride. Just like U.S. soldiers have pride in our country, Pink Army soldiers have pride in their cause: To spread the word about life-saving mammograms.
- Pink Army soldiers are empowered. Spreading awareness throughout different communities, Pink Army soldiers empower others to join in on the cause. Against us together, breast cancer doesn’t stand a chance. At the heart of the message, the Pink Army is about everyone!
- Pink Army soldiers are resilient. They never give up. Determination, perseverance, and persistence are all words used to describe a Pink Army soldier’s resilience in fighting for the cause.
Taking the first step means enlisting! You’ll receive a symbolic pink dog tag to wear around town. Each Pink Army soldier has a set of missions that needs to be accomplished in order to contribute to the awareness campaign. These missions include getting a mammogram, recruiting friends and family, and even throwing a “Pink Party.” Once completed, each mission allows soldiers to climb the ranks and even obtain unique Pink Army rewards. Essentially, the more a soldier brings awareness into the community, the more great incentives that are available to him or her. There are lots of great community events to attend with your whole family and wear your dog tags proudly.
And the best part is that saving lives reaches further than just your recruits, since the Pink Army benefits the Florida Hospital Breast Care Fund to provide mammograms to underserved women. Remember, the greatest weapon in the fight against breast cancer is you. After all, your family needs you to fight for your health. Do you have what it takes to be a soldier in the Pink Army? Visit to find out!