Eat up! Natural Remedies for Common Pregnancy Ailments
Glowing skin, doubled cup-size, and shiny hair are all commonly touted as side effects of pregnancy. There are some pregnancy symptoms, however, that are less celebrated, such as heartburn, nausea, and constipation…the things no one likes to talk about! The good news is that there are simple, natural remedies for such pregnancy ailments and you can find them at the grocery store.
Your gestating body experiences an increase in progesterone, which causes intestinal muscles to relax and digestion to slow down. Also, your growing baby applies pressure to your lower abdomen and small intestine, which can result in a fecal blockage. Vitamins are also known to cause constipation, especially if the doctor prescribes a combination such as iron, calcium, and other common prenatal supplements.
Remedy: The best solution for constipation is to avoid it in the first place. Stay hydrated (drink at least eight cups of water daily), eat a well-balanced diet (fruits, veggies, and whole grains), and get plenty of exercise. If it’s already too late, then sip on prune juice, increase your fiber and fluid intake, and take a warm bath.
Hormonal variations, such as the aforementioned increase in progesterone, are to blame for that horrible sensation in your throat and chest. The valve that normally prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus relaxes and, as your baby grows, an increasing amount of pressure is placed on your stomach and intestines, thereby forcing stomach acids into your esophagus and causing irritation and heartburn.
Remedy: Ginger! Try brewing a hot cup of tea. If you find warm drinks difficult to stomach, consider a cold glass of ginger ale. You can also snack on ginger candy or ginger snaps. Another option is to take a papaya supplement with meals.
Morning sickness or nausea
While the cause of morning sickness is unknown, it is likely a result of rapidly increasing hormones. An enhanced sense of smell and a sensitive stomach also contribute to the problem. Some women experience nausea as a direct result of taking prenatal vitamins.
Remedy: Taking your vitamin supplements at night rather than in the morning can sometimes help, because by the time the queasiness kicks in, you will already by snoozing. The remedies for curing heartburn – ginger and papaya – also work wonders for curing nausea. Emily Streich, LM, CPM, an instructor at Bastyr University, says that, if you are vomiting, fluid and electrolyte replacement is important. Coconut water is an alternative to Gatorade. Try sucking on ice cubes made of coconut water or weak red raspberry leaf tea.
Some women struggle with constipation throughout their entire pregnancies, while others experience the opposite extreme. This could be caused by an increase in exercise, diet changes, or prenatal vitamins.
Remedy: While these suggestions don’t make diarrhea go away, they will help you through the nasty experience. Plenty of water is necessary to keep you from getting dehydrated! Put down the pickles and ice cream and start eating the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). Streich says, “Pumpkin is also a veggie that contains a lot of fiber and can be good at firming stools; and finally, yogurt contains many good probiotic bacteria which can help the digestive system.”
Blood vessels that become swollen most often occur from straining due to constipation.
Remedy: “Trying to keep stools soft is the key to not worsening them, so make sure there is adequate fiber and water in your diet, and stop consuming processed foods,” says Streich. Applying chilled witch hazel packs or soaking in a warm sitz bath can help alleviate the pain. Streich suggests holding a cool black tea bag to the area, which will soothe and help shrink vessels. Using a cut potato on the area may have the same effect.
Yeast Infection
Due to higher estrogen levels during pregnancy, your vagina produces more glycogen, which creates a breeding ground for yeast.
Remedy: Increase dietary intake of foods containing live-active yogurt cultures, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, and Kefir milk. Streich says that miso, kimchi, and sauerkraut contain beneficial bacteria as well. Yeast feeds on sugar, so reduce intake while battling a yeast infection.
Itchy Skin
Higher estrogen levels and stretched skin are at the root of your constant itch.
Remedy: The best way to turn off the itch is to add more essential fatty acids to your diet. Streich says, “These can be in the form of fish oils from fatty fish that are low in heavy metals and toxins, such as sardines, wild salmon, and anchovies; or a plant based source such as flaxseed or flax oil.”
Eating the right foods can prevent many ailments from even occurring, but Streich also notes the importance of maintaining a healthy and varied diet overall since it provides “the building blocks to grow a baby and keep the mother strong and healthy through the pregnancy, birth, and beyond.”