Playing It Safe to Prevent Concussions
Every year, thousands of children sustain head injuries playing sports, in car and bicycle accidents, fights, and even minor falls. Most childhood head injuries are not serious and affect only the outside of the head; however, children may experience a temporary loss of brain function known as a concussion. Although some accidents can’t be avoided, simple safety precautions – and common sense – can go a long way in preventing concussions.
Establishing Safety Rules & Regulations for Preventing Concussions
With the busy back-to-school season fast approaching, now is a great time for parents to discuss safety with their children.
At Home – Childproofing your home is vital to keeping young children safe from concussions. Toddlers, for instance, may pull themselves up using table legs, or use dressers as jungle gyms, which can lead to a fall. Create a safe place to play and explore at home, and never leave a child unattended.
Enjoying Activities – Be sure children wear properly fitting, appropriate headgear, and safety equipment when biking, rollerblading, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, or playing contact sports.
On-the-Go – If your child drives, remind him/her to be attentive at all times and obey speed limits, signs, and safe-driving laws to reduce the chances of having an accident. Talk about the effects of drugs and alcohol, which slow reaction time and impair judgment, making teens much more likely to have an accident. Teens should also NEVER text while driving.
Signs & Symptoms of a Concussion
Anyone who sustains a head injury should be immediately removed from whatever activity or sport he was involved in. Even without loss of consciousness, it’s important to watch for symptoms of a concussion. These symptoms may not appear initially but can develop up to 72 hours after the initial injury:
- A change in level of alertness, feeling confused or dazed.
- Sleepiness or difficulty falling asleep.
- A bad headache.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Dizziness or difficulty with coordination and/or balance.
- Blurred vision.
- Slurred speech or saying things that don’t make sense.
- Feeling anxious or irritable for no apparent reason.
- Convulsions or seizures.
Treating Concussions
After a concussion, the brain needs time to heal. While your child has any symptoms, he or she should not:
- Attend school or have a normal workload.
- Take any high-stakes testing (for example, state testing or SATs).
- Participate in physical activity, including gym class, recess, or sports
- Participate in wheel activities (for example, biking, rollerblading, or skateboarding).
- Drive or operate machinery.
- Some children will report feeling better even though their thinking, behavior, and/or balance have not yet returned to normal. It’s important for parents to wait until all symptoms have disappeared and your doctor has given the OK before resuming normal activities.
New studies link Alzheimer’s to even mild concussions
For information on preventing and treating concussions, please visit