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Tanning Myths and Sun Protection Test – How Does Your Teen Score?

tanningOMG–Prom season and bathing suit weather are fast approaching…Let the tanning begin! Studies show that it’s become trendy for winter-white teenage girls to start making appointments to climb into tanning bed in pursuit of the perfect bronzed look to go with formal attire and bikinis. Research cites one in four fair skinned females between the ages of 13 and 19 years has visited a tanning salon at least once. Many more are sunbathing or using a self-tanner to acquire that golden glow. So ladies, you may be lookin’ good, but do you know the risks?

Of the different types of skin cancer, melanoma, which is likely to spread to other areas of the body, is potentially fatal. Risk factors for melanoma include (are you listening, girls?) sun exposure and sunburn, blistering sunburns during childhood or teen years, fair skin, freckles, moles, and family history of melanoma. Very deadly, but treatable if caught early. Sun exposure is also the culprit in most non-melanoma skin cancers, the ones that rarely spread and have an excellent survival rate.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), studies suggest that increased ultraviolet (UV) exposure may be the cause of the marked increase in melanoma incidence observed among women born after 1965. Tanning salons deliver 15 times more UV radiation to exposed skin than the sun. EWG reports that many of the chemicals in self-tanning products have not been tested for safety; the major self-tanning chemical, dihydroxyacetone, is not approved by FDA for use in cosmetics around the eyes.

This Pop Quiz Could Save Your Teen’s Life
When it comes to protecting yourself from skin cancer, can you separate fact from fiction? A new survey by the American Academy of Dermatology sets the record straight on some of the most common myths. The online survey polled more than 7,000 people to determine their knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward tanning, sun protection, and skin-cancer detection.  “Our survey showed that, despite our repeated warnings about the dangers of UV exposure and the importance of proper sun protection, many people could not correctly answer true/false statements on the subject,” says dermatologist Zoe D. Draelos, M.D., FAAD, consulting professor at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, NC.

Let’s see how you and your teen score…

Myth #1: Some types of ultraviolet (UV) rays are safe for your skin.
The survey found that only about 35 percent of respondents correctly answered false to this question.
Fact: Sunlight consists of two types of harmful rays: ultraviolet A (UVA) rays and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. UVA rays (which pass through window glass) penetrate deeper into the dermis, the  thickest layer of the skin. UVA rays can suppress the immune system, interferring with its ability to protect a person against the development and spread of skin cancer. UVB rays are the sun’s burning rays (which are blocked by window glass) and are the primary cause of sunburn.
“Quite simply, all forms of UV exposure, whether from natural sunlight or artificial light sources, are unsafe and are the number-one preventable risk factor for skin cancer,” says Draelos.

Myth #2: Getting a base tan is a healthy way to protect skin from sun damage.
Only 48 percent of respondents knew this statement was false. (Admit it Mom, when you were a teenager, you thought this was true. But that was back in the dark ages, right?)
Fact: A tan is a sign of damage to the skin from UV radiation. Every time a person tans, the skin becomes damaged, and this damage accumulates over time. This accumulated damage, in addition to accelerating the aging process, also increases a person’s risk for all types of skin cancer.
“A base does very little to protect your skin. Since tanning damages the skin, getting a base tan could do more harm than good,” says Draelos. “The only way to prevent sunburn is to protect your skin by using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and seeking shade.”

Myth #3: It is smarter to tan indoors using a tanning bed.
Just 63 percent of respondents knew that this statement was false.
Fact: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared UV radiation from the sun and artificial light sources, such as tanning beds and sun lamps, as a known carcinogen. Indoor tanning equipment, which includes all artificial light sources, emits UVA and UVB radiation. It has been shown that the amount of radiation exposure during indoor tanning is similar to that produced by sun exposure, and in some cases might be stronger. Currently, Florida requires children between 14 and 18 years to have parental permission for a tanning session so it is up to the parents to establish the limits for their teen.

Well Mom, how did you and your teen do? Still need some help?:

  • Make sunscreen a habit for every outdoor sport and activity, using and re-applying sunscreen whenever exposed to UV rays.
  • Find sun-protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses that you like to wear.
  • To parents of teens: Be good role models – let your teen see you protecting yourself from the sun.
  • American Cancer Society recommends avoiding sunlight between 10am and 4pm.
  • Avoid tanning devices and sunlamps.