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An Advocate for Families

Attorney and U.S. House of Representatives candidate Eduardo J. Mejias of AAA Family Law fights for families both inside and outside the courtroom.

As a family law and divorce attorney, Eduardo J. Mejias is well versed not only in the politics and issues within the legal system but also the societal effects that state and federal laws have on families.

A native Floridian and the youngest son of two Cuban immigrants, he started practicing in 1999. In 2005, he began focusing on family law including representing clients in cases such as divorce, child custody, paternity, child dependency and domestic violence.

Mejias says his years of success in getting clients the best possible outcomes boils down to three words: honesty, value and expertise.

“I tell clients not necessarily what they want to hear, but what the realistic outcomes are going to be in their case,” he says. “I don’t try to sugarcoat the reality just to appease them.”

He is aware that clients often worry about lawyers charging by the hour and not knowing how many fees they’ll ultimately rack up by the end of their case. So, his practice, AAA Family Law LLC, instead uses a flat fee system.

“With AAA Family Law, you get a flat fee, which can be broken up into payments, and you know exactly when my representation begins,” he says. “And if I end up spending more hours on our case than I originally thought, the firm absorbs the loss.”

Mejias received his law degree from the University of Florida College of Law and he also holds a bachelor’s degree in political science. He’s been a Greater Orlando resident since 2011.

With thousands of hours of experience in guiding people through the court system, Mejias has become a passionate advocate for families. So much so, that he’s now seeking to effect change for families at a higher level—the U.S. House of Representatives.

“I am running for 7th Congressional District of the U.S. House of Representatives because I believe I can do more for Florida’s families,” he says.

Mejias is campaigning to secure the Republican nomination in the primary election that will happen on August 18th. After which, he would face off against incumbent Stephanie Murphy.

Mejias believes there are a number of laws on the books that need revising, something he could push for as a legislator. But one law that he’s been particularly vocal about is equal shared parenting, the idea that the court system should start with the presumption that most often it is in the best interest of families for children to have equal time with each parent.

“As a politician and as an advocate, I do think that every state including Florida should adopt equal shared parenting into their statutes,” he says. “In any custody arrangement, it’s going to be kids going back and forth between the parents. Divorce is not ideal but if that does happen, all the studies show that kids benefit more from equal time sharing with each parent, rather than having a majority parent.”

To get to the point, Mejias says he’d like to introduce legislation to repeal Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, which he says incentivizes tearing families apart. Title IV-D was enacted in the 1970s and it governs state-run child support enforcement. Mejias argues that the statute deters legislatures and state governments from enacting needed change to family law, such as making equal shared parenting the standard presumption in custody cases.

At the end of the day, whether he’s fighting for families inside the courtroom or working to effect change from above, Mejias is determined to get what’s best for his clients and be a champion for all of Florida’s families.

AAA Family Law LLC
283 Cranes Roost Blvd. ǀ Suite 111 ǀ Altamonte Springs
407-260-6001 |

This article originally appeared in Orlando Family Magazine’s June 2020 issue.