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Q & A with Today Show’s Natalie Morales, Al Roker & Willie Geist

Orlando Family Magazine joined NBC journalists Natalie Morales, Al Roker, and Willie Geist at Universal Studios on Thursday, May 23rd. The NYC-based Today Show filmed the morning program live at City Walk and inside the theme park as part of their Great American Adventure series. Fans got a glimpse at the behind-the-scenes television production while engaging with characters, including Transformers, Shrek, The Simpsons, and SpongeBob Square Pants. Nancy DeVault, Orlando Family Magazine’s Editor, sat down with the news team to learn how they balance their hectic careers with family life.

Natalie Morales is the mom of two sons…

OFM: Your Great American Adventure series was diverted because of the Oklahoma tornado. Did the series schedule abruptly stop?

Natalie: Yes, we were on a flight on Monday from Hawaii to Yellowstone and diverted to Oklahoma immediately. Tuesday’s coverage of the tornado’s aftermath was very emotional. I was in a chopper overhead and had never seen tornado damage like that. You could see a clear path of raised dirt and damage ─ pretty unbelievable.

OFM: How do you transition from hard news back into a light-hearted shoot like today?

Natalie: Well, we tried to do a soft transition yesterday in Chicago. We still had part of the team in Oklahoma and we all shared our experiences on what we saw. People know that there are other stories in the news, so we do make a natural transition as much as possible. Today (at Universal Studios), we have toned down our plan to be sensitive to what is still happening. For example, we intended to do a roller-coaster segment but have scaled back. We’re mindful of the tone of the week…but tomorrow we’ll end the week at the Jersey Shore which is perfect since we’ll be talking about how you can rebuild a community (i.e. a comparison to Hurricane Sandy).

OFM: As a parent, do you attempt to shield your children from the hard news that you cover?

Natalie: I try not to let them watch too much TV in the morning. I was especially concerned with what they would see after Newtown (Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting) because you don’t want to scare them…I have a 9 and a 4 year-old. But at the same time, I think it is important for them to be aware of their safety ─ to always be vigilant, follow what their teachers tell them to do, and be aware of what’s around them.

OFM: Do you see your sons following your footsteps into news media or the spotlight?

Natalie: No! (Laughs) Well, my oldest is camera shy; but my youngest is quiet the character. Who knows…too soon to tell what they’ll end up doing.

OFM: How you do manage being away from your boys, especially during such a hectic week?

Natalie: It’s hard. I actually just got off the phone with them and we communicate a lot. They asked what I was bringing home for them – yes, bribery helps (laughs). But they are used to it; I was working at NBC during both of my pregnancies.

OFM: Throughout your career you’ve displayed a sense of fearlessness from getting into a chopper to fun stunts like surfing. Is that just your nature?

Natalie: I enjoy trying new experiences and get to do such things as surfing with a professional. I have fear where I should have fear – like going into a warzone, obviously – but when it comes to riding the rocket (roller coaster) like Willie and I will do after the show today…well, that’s just the fun stuff.

OFM: What’s on your summer bucket list?

Natalie: I’d love to get back to Hawaii at the end of the summer. And I’d love to work back in Yellowstone when my little one gets a bit older and can get on a horse to enjoy riding.

Al Roker is the father of two daughters and one son…

OFM: Al, how do you manage to have it all – career, family, and personal life?

Al: Well, as much as I try to be an engaged father, a lot of the family labor falls on my wife, Deborah Roberts. She actually used to be an anchor right here in Orlando at WFTV. (Deborah joined NBC News in 1990 after working in Orlando.) We’re not much different than any other two-career family…it’s hard. But, we do have help and babysitters.

OFM: You have three children. What are your proudest parenting moments?

Al: It varies. My oldest is 26 and she is a chef; I just had dinner at her restaurant. My middle daughter just got accepted to LaGuardia School of Performing Arts, which is a huge achievement. And my son, the youngest, has special needs and just got his high red belt in Tae Kwon Do.

OFM: What is on your summer bucket list to do as a family?

Al: We have a house in upstate New York and plan to spend some time there. I don’t know how people send their kids to 8 weeks of summer camp…wait; maybe that’s a good idea. (Laughs) Nah, I’d miss them too much. My middle daughter is, however, going to theatre camp for three weeks.

OFM: With your wife’s connection to Orlando, do you visit often as a family?

Al: Orlando is a fall back for us. Universal, Disney, SeaWorld…it’s great to get those childhood memories.

OFM: An Orlando Family Magazine Facebook follower wanted to know if you run your own Twitter and Facebook account?

Al: (Laughs) Yes, we don’t have massive staffs of people to take care of our things. I always think it’s funny when I bump into fans in the grocery store who don’t expect me to do my own grocery shopping – no butler here!

Willie Geist is the father of a young son and daughter…

OFM: How would you describe this week?

Willie: It’s been an incredible mix of beauty (in Hawaii) to just turning on a dime to devastation in Oklahoma. It’s certainly not the trip we planned. We learned of what was happening on the plane and immediately went into news mode…that’s what we can do as the Today Show.

OFM: How’s your experience been at the Today Show?

Willie: I’ve been co-host of the 3rd hour for about 7 months and it’s been a blast. It’s such an honor to be a part of a tradition that families welcome into their home each day. You never know what you are going to get on Today; it’s all about variety. We can be interviewing the president and then cooking meatloaf with Martha Stewart in the next hour! This show gives you a little bit of everything before you go out in the morning.

OFM: You met your wife during childhood. Right?

Willie: I did! I met my wife in 6th grade. Well, I didn’t know I was in love with her at the time, but I guess looking back now I see it. My wife and her three siblings all married people from our hometown of Ridgewood, Jersey – they are 4-for-4! We’ve been friends our whole lives, so it’s provided us with a really cool foundation. We actually started dating in the 11th grade and broke-up for a bit after college which was probably good for both of us at the time.

OFM: What is your proudest parenting moment?

Willie: Probably not the conventional ones…watching my 3-year-old son in karate. He is terrible at it but he is trying and that makes me really proud. (Laughs) His karate sensei is so serious and these kids just waving at mom and dad and those are the moments when you swell up.

OFM: Have you experienced Orlando with your family?

Willie: My kids are 3 and 5 so we want to wait for them to be a little bigger. I think they are too small for most of these rides.

OFM: What’s coming up for the summer?

Willie: We have the summer concert series, including One Direction.

OFM: So you are a fan of One Direction instead of Justin Bieber?

Willie: Oh yeah. My kids are huge One Direction fans and I can name all of them. On my second day at the Today Show, One Direction played a concert (last summer) and my kids got to come to the show. So they are probably wondering when the next concert is anyway. Other than that, you never know what news is going to pop up!

One Response to “Q & A with Today Show’s Natalie Morales, Al Roker & Willie Geist”
  1. Robert faulk says:

    Just think that the woman should be in the middle. Perchance it be Kelly Rippa, she would be centered between the guys. No offense intended. Thanks

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